Saturday, December 15, 2007

Contact Ryan

I am on several Web 2.0 social nets and related systems:

  1. You can find me on Facebook under Ryan Lanham. I will generally agree to be friends if you explain who you are and why you want to know me.
  2. Same for LinkedIn.
  3. You can also find me on Twitter as Ryan_Lanham. Feel free to follow me.
  4. I have a SkypeIn number and my SkypeID is Ryan.Lanham1
  5. My email address is on the Blogger Profile page. I check in every few hours at least.
  6. I bookmark at Google, Delicious, Facebook and Magnolia. It's a mess.
  7. My scrapbook is at Tumblr.
Those are the main "virtual" places I hang out at these days. Look me up!

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